TLU set out to raise $100,000 on its annual Day of Giving—a steep goal that was not only met, but exceeded! Four hundred thirty-four gifts were made in the course of a single day, for donations totaling $109,721. “This remarkable accomplishment underscores the power of our shared commitment to TLU and our mission,” says Valerie Wood, Associate Director of Annual Giving. This year, money was raised for eight university initiatives—which ranged from enhancing recreational opportunities with the Disc Golf project to providing essential resources for veterans through the Veterans Lounge project—as well as the university’s Annual Scholarship Fund.
“The results from our Day of Giving have left me floored,” says Wood. “Seeing our community come together and surpassing our goal of 400 gifts is amazing. I am reminded once again why I love being a part of the TLU family. Our community stepped up in an incredible way. From the bottom of our heart, thank you to our donors for their generosity and supporting the TLU mission. I can’t wait to continue to watch TLU grow and remain a place where amazing things happen!”