Recently, the TLU chapter of the Alpha Chi National Honor Society inducted 19 students in a ceremony at the Katie Conference Center in Hein Dining Hall. Attended by family and friends of the students, Dr. Norm Beck, Poehlmann Professor of Theology and Classical Languages, spoke to the group about his positive experiences serving as the advisor to TLU's Alpha Chi chapter for 46 years. The chapter's new co-advisors are Professor Amelia Koford, associate professor and outreach & information literacy librarian, and Dr. Dan Flores, assistant professor, university librarian, and Lester W. & Ruth E. Sappenfield Chair of Library Science.
The induction ceremony was conducted by Professor Koford; Dr. Flores; President Cottrell, Dr. Sarah Ferguson, TLU vice president for Academic Affairs; and local chapter officers Madeleine Balderrama, Krystal Galindo, and Kyndall Womack. Alpha Chi is a national honor society focused on service, scholarship, and character, open by invitation to juniors, seniors, and graduate students with GPAs in the top ten percent of the class. The name of TLU's chapter, the Texas Alpha Delta Chapter, reflects the order in which Alpha Chi chapters were chartered in Texas.
Congratulations to the new inductees: Baylie Baccinelli, Abigail Becerra, Travis Bishop, Ty Edwards, Sam Flores, Wynter Flores, Hannah Hansen, Harmony Huttegger, Brooke Kalinec, Madie Lake, Delaney Lyle, Sabrina Martinez, Malia Mikol, Kassandra Ortiz, Sydney Ouellette, Aleyna Parra, Sage Stevens, Moses Tillman-Young, and Linden Williamson.