I write this a whole ten days after my installation service, and I’ll confess that I’m still on quite a spiritual high from it! It was such a blessing to see so many people come together to celebrate the next chapter of ministry here at Texas Lutheran, and I left that service invigorated and ready to hit the ground running.
The most inspiring aspect of the day for me was the overwhelming number of students, alumni, faculty, staff, and friends of the university who contributed their time, their gifts, and their hearts to making this service happen. Between our talented organist, the TLU choir, the alumni praise band, and the myriad speakers, I was left feeling like I had very little to actually do. Instead, I had the immense pleasure of witnessing the work of worship unfold before me in truly awe-inspiring acts of praise to our God. Each piece, amazing by itself, echoed and amplified this shared voice, and together we wove a beautiful tapestry of worship.

It reminded me of what this ministry to the students, faculty, and staff of TLU is supposed to look like. While this was my installation—and while campus pastor might be my position here—the work that must be done will not be my work alone. Each of us will have a hand in designing, building, and implementing the future campus ministry at Texas Lutheran University. This can’t be my work alone, for I as an individual can only do so much. In the same way that one thread is nowhere near enough when a blanket is needed, this community needs more than one person could ever give. It needs—it deserves—the work of us all, lifting up and pouring into others.
I’ve seen what we can do with one service; I can’t wait to see what we can do with the entire ministry. Will you join us in this holy work?