Foretold: Fate and Fortune
Symphonic Band:
1) La Tregenda - Giacomo Puccini, arr. Brian Beck
This intermezzo from the opera, Le Villi, depicts the evildoings of ghost maidens deserted by their lovers. According to the legend of Le Villi, when a woman dies of a broken heart, fairies disguised as beautiful women cast a spell over the heartbreaker and force him to dance faster and faster until death overcomes him.
2) Our CastAways - Julie Giroux
This new work by Julie Giroux brings attention to the 6.5 million companion animals that enter animal shelters every year and the estimated 2.4 million of these adoptable animals who are subsequently euthanized. Ms., Giroux has a huge heart for these animals and for those who suffer in silence. She dedicates this work "to all those who work hard in the fight to end puppy mills, to rescue suffering pets and to provide care and medical attention to all those rescued. It is dedicated to those companions who get rescued and for those whose rescue never comes. We are all shepherds. Every living creature is in our care. Hopefully mankind will someday uphold his responsibility and become caretaker of all living things on earth. Maybe some day all humans will be humane and mankind will be kind." (from the composer's program notes)
3) Spitfire - Gary Gilroy
Gilroy'sSpitfireis a musical depiction of a World War II British fighter plane. This agile, elliptical-wing plane has become synonymous with the Royal Air Force victory in the Battle of Britain, helping to crush Hitler’s dreams of conquest.
Wind Ensemble:
1) Carmina Burana - Carl Orff, arr. John Krance
Carmina Burana was originally a collection of 254 medieval poems and texts, mostly from the 11th and 12th centuries. Collected by the "goliards,” who were vagrant scholars, vagabond poets and wandering monks of the 13th century, the songs "...are frank avowals of the earthly pleasures: eating, drinking, gambling, love-making; the beauty of life and springtime, the irony and cruelty of fortune...” Carl Orff's 1935/1936 arrangement of 25 of these movements for orchestra and large choral ensemble is one of the most famous works of its time. John Krance, chief arranger for the U.S. Army Field Bands, chose 12 of the most suitable movements and transcribed them for large concert band, without chorus. Several of the melodies have been featured in commercial settings and will likely be familiar to many in our audience.
2) Fanfare for an Angel - James Stephenson
This fanfare was originally composed for trumpet ensemble and is dedicated to well-known trumpet teacher. Jeanne Pocius. According to composer James Stephenson, "Jeanne is a special human being that cares deeply about people, and works tirelessly for the better of others. Such was the case when she was in Haiti on January 12, 2010, working with young musicians, teaching, and providing musical instruments to those otherwise not so fortunate. That Tuesday was also the day the massive and deadly earthquake struck the region. Jeanne was fortunate – she survived with “only” a broken arm and several deep bruises, having been the victim of a collapsed roof. Even with her injuries, she stayed in Haiti, working tirelessly to help others for days, with little or no food or shelter, for 3 more months, dedicated to re-starting and re-organizing her program in Haiti, before returning home to Boston – again just a short stay before returning once again to Haiti." (from the composer's program notes)
3) Auguries of Innocence - William Pitts
"Auguries of Innocence takes its name from that of one of my favorite poems of the great William Blake. Blake offers the idea that the natural world can be regenerated in time and that nature itself can be an augury, or omen, to the lost vision of innocence. The poem is filled with randomly organized cuplets of paradoxical imagery, all focused on the idea that it is wise to see the world through two eyes rather than one. Innocence is juxtaposed with evil, big with small, long with short. In my opinion, the most powerful words, and those that most motivated my decision to honor Blake's work with my title, come from the opening stanza:
"To see a world in a grain of sand
And a heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, And eternity in an hour."
(from the composer's program notes)
4) Melody Shop
One of Karl King most famous Circus Marches,Melody Shop features a famous countermelody in the last strain of the march, featuring the woodwinds and especially the euphonium section. This countermelody is often used as audition material for euphonium players for military bands, university ensembles, and national and international ensembles.