Campus Ministry
Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 10:00 AM
Campus Ministry exists to support, encourage, and challenge students and the entire TLU community in their faith journeys.
All Are Welcome!
The many activities and groups sponsored by Campus Ministry provide a variety of ways for students to strengthen their faith and explore new avenues of faith development.
Our diverse community is made up of a variety of students with a variety of religious backgrounds.
Campus Ministry welcomes each student, wherever they are on their faith journey, and invites them to deepen their awareness of God's presence and to embrace God's calling to work together for justice and peace in the world.

Campus Ministry provides a focal point for a community of faith where we
- Proclaim Christ in word, encounter Christ in sacrament, and experience Christ in relationship.
- Place what they learn in conversation with what they believe and value.
- Witness to the reconciling Word of God in Christ, reaching out to all people.
- Respond to human need, work for peace and justice, and care for the sick and suffering.
- Find people in a supportive experience of community.
- Welcome one another warmly no matter what faith, tradition, nationality, race or denomination.
- Seek sensitive, personal and confidential pastoral care.
Chapel Worship
On Monday, Wednesday, & Friday during the academic year from 10:00 - 10:20 a.m., start your day with praise and prayer at the Chapel of the Abiding Presence. Our chapel speakers come from a wide range of places, from our own Campus Pastor, to local clergy from all denominations, to alumni in various careers, and our own faculty and staff.
Growth & Service
TLU's Campus Ministry is a vibrant, student-led organization that empowers students to take initiative in spiritual growth and community outreach. To foster this growth and outreach, Campus Ministry employs student leaders to dream up, plan, and implement all of our programming, which means it changes every single semester!
Join us for events like- Praise and Worship
- Dinner and Devotionals
- Service and Mission opportunities and trips
- Collabs with other campus organizations and groups
Alumni & Friends
If you are interested in giving back to the campus ministry and supporting the continuing faith development of the TLU community, please email Pastor Wes. He would love to speak with you about how you could participate in the continued leadership of our chapel services.
Meet Campus Pastor Wes Cain
Pastor Wes is a 2009 graduate of TLU, where he majored in Theology and minored in Biblical Greek. He went on to earn a Master of Divinity from Princeton Theological Seminary, where his studies focused on young adult and campus ministries. He was ordained by the United Methodist Church (UMC) in 2015 and has pastored in local United Methodist congregations throughout the Texas Hill Country. Wes “came home” to TLU in January of 2022 and has faithfully served the students, faculty, staff, and alumni ever since.
Meet Our Campus Ministry Staff
Contact Us
Wes Cain
Want to be a part of Campus Ministry at TLU but don’t know how? Contact Pastor Wes. He would love to work with you!
- Phone:830-372-8160