As a military spouse for 18 years, Stephanie Freeman knows what it’s like to face changes and transitions. And as the mom of two teenaged daughters, she knows a thing or two about balancing home life and work. That kind of wisdom will surely come in handy when Freeman enters the field of sociology after graduation.
She transferred to TLU after attending Thomas Nelson Community College in Hampton, Virginia. “I chose TLU because of the smaller class sizes, its close-knit community, and the support services offered to veterans and dependents,” she says. Her secret to keeping up with the duties of motherhood—with one daughter in high school and another recently graduated—and her studies, along with everything else she undertakes on any given day? “The amazing support system I have from my family and friends!”

Keeping that balance includes some downtime, of course, and Freeman especially loves going to the beach—and has even experienced the thrill of surfing in La Jolla, California.
She was drawn to the study of sociology by her desire to help as many different groups of people as possible—but she has a special place in her heart for helping military families, and is currently doing research on developing equine-facilitated activities to serve veterans and their families in the transition from military service to civilian life. “I hope to use my lived experience of being a military spouse to help other military families navigate the lifestyle,” she says. Freeman is set to graduate TLU in May of 2025.