- Name: Hannah Hansen
- Hometown: San Antonio
- Home Church: Abiding Presence Lutheran Church
- Year: Junior
- Major(s) and Minor(s): Theology and Psychology double major
- Campus Involvements/Achievements/Roles: Xi Tau sorority, TLU Dramatic Media, TLU Choir (women’s and mixed)

- Plans for After Graduation: My plans for after graduation are to find a job in some facet of ministry work, whether it be in a congregation or a faith based non-profit, as well as applying to grad school.
- Favorite Thing About Campus Ministry: My favorite thing about campus ministry is definitely the community that we have. I love spending time in the campus ministry office, playing games and doing homework with my fellow campus ministry colleagues and campus pastor.
- Fun Fact: I have 14 pets at home.
- Favorite Quote" “Without change, there would be no butterflies.” -Maya Angelou