Trae Crowder, the "Liberal Redneck," grew up in Celina, TN, a town sometimes described as having “more liquor stores than traffic lights” (2-0 as of the last count). Like most people from the deep rural south, Trae grew up with an affinity for literature, film, blacks, and gays. In 1998, at the age of 12 and after seeing Chris Rock on HBO, he decided he wanted to be a comedian.

Recently, Trae has earned national attention (or notoriety, depending on your viewpoint) for his “Liberal Redneck” series of viral videos. He has been performing his particular brand of Southern-fried intellectual comedy in the Southeast for the past six years and now tours nationally as part of the wellRED Comedy Tour with his writing and drinking partners, and fellow Liberal Rednecks Corey Ryan Forrester and Drew Morgan.
Smart, hilarious, and incisive, the Liberal Rednecks confront the Confederacy of Dumbasses, tackling everything people think they know about the South, the good, the bad, the glorious, and the shameful, in a laugh-out-loud funny and lively manifesto for the rise of a New South. Home to some of the best music, athletes, soldiers, whiskey, waffles, and weather the country has to offer, the South has also been bathing in backward bathroom bills and other bigoted legislation that Trae Crowder has targeted in his Liberal Redneck videos, which have gone viral with over 50 million views.
The comedy trio's latest book, the Liberal Redneck’s Manifesto, skewers political and religious hypocrisies in witty stories and hilarious graphics—such as the Ten Commandments of the New South—and much more. While celebrating the South as one of the richest sources of American culture, this entertaining book issues a wake-up call, and a reminder that the South’s problems and dreams aren’t that far off from the rest of America’s.