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Check it Out: State of the Art Automation Comes to TLU’s Blumberg Memorial Library with New Self-check Kiosk

Next time you haul your books up to the circulation desk, you’ll notice that there’s a new addition at Blumberg Memorial Library. That would be the brand new Biblioteca Hybrid Self-check Kiosk—and it makes checking out books quicker and easier than ever.

“Thanks to the BUENOS Title V grant, students and faculty will be able to check out or renew library books quickly and efficiently with this new technology,” says Library Director Dan Flores.

Vice President for Academic Affairs Sarah Ferguson agrees. “We are thankful for the BUENOS Title V grant to be able to purchase equipment for the library that creates greater access and expands efficiencies for our students.”

Flores adds that, “Patrons will discover it is as easy to use as a grocery self-check register. It is also a powerful tool for managing their library accounts.”

The kiosk will be up and running following the Easter holiday.